Lodge of the Year plus Celebrating 100 Years in the Lodge Hall
13 Photos
Wor. Jeffrey Robinson awarding Saco Lodge's Mason of the Year to Wor. Ralph Meserve
Wor. Ralph Meserve receiving his 5th Service Star for 75 years a Master Mason
RW Joel Tripp & VW Carl Marsano Presenting Wor. Ralph Meserve with 5th Star
Wor. Ralph Meserve with family on day he received his 5th Star
Parade Marshals Wor. Ralph Meserve and MW ohn Anagnostis
MW Gerald Leighton and others
Eben Emerson receiving 40 Year Pin
In-door Out-door degree Saco Lodge Candidate Adam Marsano
MW Gerald Leighton with Candidate Jason Littlefield
Candidate, Jason Littlefield greeted by MW Gerald Leighton
MW Gerald Leighton greeting our own MW John Anagnostis
Unveiling of new Cornerstone Masonic Building Saco