2018 Year
2018 Year
Wor. Justin Galipeau, Master
41 Photos
Mary's Walk
2018 Table Lodge Honoree
Newly Raised Brethren
Past Masters Assembled with Wor. Justin Galipeau
Past Masters Night Before
RW Richard Clark Presenting Past Masters Medal to Wor. Greg Maxwell
Table Lodge
2nd Annual Golf Tourney
Golf Tournament
Hunting Attire Night
Dr. G. Patrick Shaw Recipient
MM School of Instruction Attendees
Golf Group Picture
January's Visit to the Veteran's Home
At Grand Lodge Session
Masters & Wardens at Buxton Lodge February
Banner for Master's Challenge
Saco's Mason of the Year - Steve Joyce
Saco Lodge with new DDGM and DER
Bro. Michael Danis Receiving Diploma and Dues Card
Bell Ringing
2018 Honorees
Culinary Scholarship Recipient & Family
Brother Jason Grant being congratulated on his proficiency
Scholarship Recipients & Families
Table Lodge 2
Golf Tourney
Saco Lodge Masons
Officers plus installing members
ST. Johns Shadowbox
RW Richard Clark Presenting Past Masters Medal to Wor. Greg Maxwell
Dr. G. Patrick Shaw Scholarship Recipient & Dad
Two Masters
Masonic Achievement
Golf Sign in
Golf Tourney
Bike for Books
Bikes for Books Assembly Day
Galipeau Family Picture