District 14 Table Lodge
14th District about 1 month ago

Solar Star Lodge #14 will be holding a Table Lodge on October 18, starting at 6:30 PM at the Bath Masonic Hall at 958 Washington Street in Bath. Tickets are $30/person, and are limited to 100 people.

This is a District #14 Table Lodge, and our guests of honor are past District #14 Mason Of The Year winners. Each lodge in District #14 has 12 reserved seats; if you are a member of a lodge in District #14, please reserve your seat through your Master or Secretary.

To reserve an at-large ticket or a ticket through Solar Star Lodge, please email solarstarlodge14@gmail.com, and we will provide you with payment information.

Meal is subject to change and we will post the menu when it is available. At the moment, we are planning a Pork Loin entree.

We are looking for volunteers to help serve and cook. If you would like to volunteer, please email solarstarlodge14@gmail.com. Volunteers will be working during the meal ceremony, but will be free attendees and able to eat before or following the ceremony.