Traveling Gavel Update
10th District 8 months ago

Dresden Lodge retrieved tha gavel last night from Alna-Anchor Lodge.

See the rules under Files on the District 10 web page.  The rules on the card in the gavel case are not up to date.  They need to be updated.

Here are the current rules:

The Traveling Gavel promotes visitation by the brethren between the lodges of the 10th Masonic District.

The rules as of January 9, 2021 are:

1. Can only be claimed by a District 10 lodge.

2. If a lodge wishes to claim the gavel, they must have 3 or more member visit the lodge that has the gavel on a stated or special meeting. The lodge with the most visiting members (minimum 3) will take the gavel back to their lodge.

3. If a lodge has the gavel for more than 2 months, they may get 3 of their members together and take it to a state/special meeting of another lodge in the district and present it to them.

4. If a lodge has the gavel and is going to be going dark for a period they should arrange for 3 members to visit another lodge and present the gavel so that it doesn't lay over while a lodge is dark.

5. In case of a tie, a flip of the coin will determine who claims the gavel.

Let's get the gavel moving again and start visiting the lodges in the district.